- Anton Emma 130
- Blafre 12
- Bundgaard 159
- Cosilana 20
- Dulis 5
- Engel 52
- Engel 6
- Freds World 44
- Frugi 26
- Glückskäfer 77
- Grödo 51
- Halfen 42
- Kallisto 74
- Kitzpichler 2
- Lana 3
- Leela Cotton 28
- Lilano 35
- Lily Balou 69
- Living Crafts 27
- Loud+Proud 7
- Maxomorra 80
- Nanchen 34
- Nic 26
- Orangenkinder 23
- Pat und Patty 75
- People wear organic 50
- Pickapooh 56
- Pololo 71
- Prusselise 55
- Pure Pure 30
- RAP 10
- Reiff 23
- Sense Organics 165
- Slipstops 42
- Tell Me 44
- The New 14
- The New Siblings 1
- Turtledove London 11
- Vanilla Copenhagen 5
- Walkiddy 178
- Walter 30
- Walther 1
- disana 21
- loud+proud 35
- nawaro 10
- Ökonorm 19
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